No Midnight Sun in Antarctica proves flat earth

According to the flat earth map Antarctica is a ring surrounding the flat earth and the sun  is revolving above the flat earth but inside the circle. So, on a flat earth, viewed from Antarctica, or any point south of the Tropic of Capricorn, the sun can only ever appear to the North.

Flat earthers accept the midnight sun, where the sun appears above the horizon for days on end, which occurs in northerly regions as the sun rotates around the Tropic of Cancer. They also accept the long night that occurs in Antarctica at the same time but they argue that this midnight sun phenomenon can not occur in the southern regions and Antarctica.

This is completely incorrect. I have personally traveled to the southernmost part of South America during the longest day of the year and have seen with my eyes the sun rotating around in the sky almost 300 degrees. At that location, 54 degrees south, the sun still sets for a few hours. But it sets in the south and rises again also in the south and makes it journey around the sky to the north and back into the south to set again. This behavior of the sun can be observed by anyone south of the Tropic of Capricorn and it absolutely proves the flat earth map is incorrect.

There is no need to travel all the way to Antarctica to refute or confirm this. Even at 54 degrees south you can very clearly see the sun in the sky and you can also see the where the sun is when it is below the horizon during the long twilight period after it sets and before it rises. That only leaves about three hours when it is dark. And then the the sun rises again on the southerly side a little east from where it set a few hours before.

Conclusion: Flat earthers are incorrect. The midnight sun phenomenon does occur in Antarctica in the same way as it does in the Northern regions. This proves the flat earth map is incorrect and is what we would expect to occur if the earth was a globe.


Supporting Flat Earth Proofs

  • 56) The “Midnight Sun” is an Arctic phenomenon occurring annually during the summer solstice where for several days straight an observer significantly far enough north can watch the Sun traveling circles over-head, rising and falling in the sky throughout the day, but never fully setting for upwards of 72+ hours! If the Earth were actually a spinning globe revolving around the Sun, the only place such a phenomenon as the Midnight Sun could be observed would be at the poles. Any other vantage point from 89 degrees latitude downwards could never, regardless of any tilt or inclination, see the Sun for 24 hours straight. To see the Sun for an entire revolution on a spinning globe at a point other than the poles, you would have to be looking through miles and miles of land and sea for part of the revolution!
  • 57) The establishment claims the Midnight Sun IS experienced in Antarctica but they conveniently do not have any uncut videos showing this, nor do they allow independent explorers to travel to Antarctica during the winter solstice to verify or refute these claims. Conversely, there are dozens of uncut videos publicly available showing the Arctic Midnight Sun and it has been verified beyond any shadow of a doubt.
  • 58) The Royal Belgian Geographical Society in their “Expedition Antarctique Belge,” recorded that during the most severe part of the Antarctic winter, from 71 degrees South latitude onwards, the sun sets on May 17th and is not seen above the horizon again until July 21st! This is completely at odds with the ball-Earth theory, but easily explained by the flat-Earth model. The Midnight Sun is seen from high altitudes in extreme Northern latitudes during Arctic summer because the Sun, at its inner-most cycle, is circling tightly enough around the polar center that it remains visible above the horizon for someone at such a vantage point. Likewise, in extreme Southern latitudes during Arctic summer, the Sun completely disappears from view for over 2 months because there at the Northern Tropic, at the inner-most arc of its boomerang journey, the Sun is circling the Northern center too tightly to be seen from the Southern circumference.

61 Replies to “No Midnight Sun in Antarctica proves flat earth”

  1. Dan

    there’s vids of antartic 24 hr sun but have been proven fake. why fake it if the real deal would be so much easier? they have to because it isn’t real. just like why nasa fakes all aspects……..they have to.

    • madhudvisa

      Yes Dan, if the map the flat earthers present is correct, with the Antarctic around the edge and sun in the middle moving in and out from tropic of cancer to equator to Tropic of Capricorn and back again. So the sun can never go beyond the Tropic of Capricorn which passes through Australia. So to test this I went to the southernmoost tip of Antarctica around Christmas last year, which is when the 24 hour sun happens in the Antarctic. While I was not far enough south to experience the 24 hour sun, I could test the flat earth theory. According to the flat earth theory, and actually as we experience it, and according to the globe earth theory also, the sun is rotating above the Tropic of Capricorn at that time. We know this for a fact and can easily test it.

      So look at the flat earth map, sun is rotating above Tropic of Capricorn so from anywhere south, ie from the southernmost part of South America, the sun can only appear in the southern part of the sky, it can never appear in the northern part. So to test this I made a video that I have not yet posted, but I will post it in a few days, and when I post it you can see for yourself the sun moving 360 degrees around the sky. It does set [in the North] and again rise a bit further along the North horizon about four hours later, but you can see that obviously sun is moving around 360 degrees as we would expect on a globe, but would be impossible on the flat earth map we are presented with.

      So this observation is what we would expect to observe on a globe and would be impossible on the proposed flat earth map.

      • Tom Arne Kristiansen

        If you are in the south and the sun is over the tropic of capricorn then the sun would come from east and go past you to the vest. South from you would be the icewall…

        • Flat Earth Facts

          Yes. But that is not what happens if you watch the video. Sun is rotating 360 degrees around in the sky. You can’t see it for a few hours only when it drops below the horizon in the south. But it comes up over the ocean again just a few hours later a bit further along. So, on a flat earth, if you were on the Southernmost point of South America like this, sun must stay behind you, because it is over Tropic of Capricorn, which is behind you in the flat earth, but sun appears in front of you, in the South. So this is proof that flat earth map is wrong and this observation is totally consistent with what we would expect to see on a globe.

          • Crazy T

            Wait… when would you see the sun south of the topic of Capricorn on a globe earth? I’m confused how this is possible.

          • Flat Earth Facts

            You can see the sun south of the Tropic of Capricorn of course. I never said you could not. But if you are South of the Tropic of Capricorn the sun should appear in the south. But at the poles you either see the sun for 24 hours or it is dark 24 hours. So the point is the observations are consistent with the predictions of globe earth model, not flat earth model.

          • khashra

            Regardless of whether you are talking about a flat earth or a globe earth, the sun is never seen directly overhead from a latitude south of the Tropic of Capricorn, and would always be in the northern sky.

            Similarly, the sun is never seen directly overhead from a latitude north of the Tropic of Cancer, and would always be in the southern sky.

            That’s why the tropics are specially noted among all other lines of latitude.

          • Flat Earth Facts

            Rubbish. That is what the flat earth map predicts. But it is not the reality. Watch the video. In reality the sun is seen in the northern sky, fully in every direction, only it sets below the horizon in the south for a few hours, so just watch the video and see the sun in the North. Totally impossible on the flat earth map, but exactly what we would expect to see on a globe.

  2. Helpful thought

    ^!^!^! MISINFORMATION ABOVE !^!^!^

    -There is NO midnight sun in Antarctica.
    -The South Pole does NOT EXIST.

    So why DO PEOPLE still believe the Earth is flat?
    Two words.
    Thorough research.

    Humanity needs your support.
    Seek truth.
    Research Flat Earth.

    • Flat Earth Facts

      So where is your research proving there is no midnight sun in Antarctica. I researched it, I went there and I saw it personally. So there is midnight sun in Antarctica and the sky down there behaves exactly as if it was above the south pole of a rotating globe. So you have not done any research but just present things which are false as ‘facts’. It is not very convincing.


        You damn liar.

        The videos of 24 hour Sun in Antarctica have THE SAME EXACT CLOUDS AT THE BEGINNING AS AT THE END. IT. IS. FAKE.



        • Sean McHugh

          Sean McHugh October 25, 2023 at 4:10 am

          Your comment is awaiting moderation.

          All the people that go on these cruises must be liars too:

          ” Weather permitting, we’ll cross the mythic line of the Antarctic Polar Circle, located along 66°33’ south of the Equator. This iconic area demarcates the point from which it is possible to view the midnight sun during the December solstice. Within this circle, the sun remains above the horizon for 24 consecutive hours at least once a year.”

          Why don’t you take the trip and call them out? Other than that, the flat-earth society, with all its members, could fund some lucky debunker to go. When there, wait for sunset and say to the non-flat fools, “So where’s the sun?”. I’m not sure if linking an ad is allowed. The cruise company is Ponant, so google “Ponant”, “Antarctic” and “Midnight”.

          • Flat Earth Facts

            Hi Sean

            You can most certainly go on a cruise to Antartica. If you are prepared to pay them $20,000+ for a week. But cruise just goes to that bit that sticks out towards South America, if you look on the map. You have to sleep on the boat, can’t stay on Antartica overnight, and you can see the penguins, that’s all…

          • Sean McHugh

            I was unable to contiguously reply to your comment:

            “You can most certainly go on a cruise to Antarctica. If you are prepared to pay them $20,000+”

            If you go there in the summertime you can see a 24 hours of diurnal light, just as you can do at the North Pole in the north’s summer. That is completely impossible with any flat earth model that’s on offer. With the globe model, it has to happen. With a flat-earth model, where Antarctica is spread right around the circumference, it definitely cannot.

          • Flat Earth Facts

            Yes. That is my point. If you read my post and watched the video at then you will know I have proven this. That the flat earth map is most certainly incorrect and impossible. And that the globe earth model does fit the observed reality.

            Now that does not 100% prove that the earth is a globe, but it does prove the currently accepted “Flat Earth Map” is totally incorrect. So the problem is there is no working flat earth model. Therefore it is not really possible for an intelligent person to thing the earth is flat, because there is no way, at least no way we have at the moment, to explain how the earth could be flat. The flat earthers can’t even provide a map that would work, if the earth were flat…

          • Sean McHugh

            Apologies to ‘Flat Earth Facts’ for misunderstanding his/her position.

            I need to clarify what I wrote above. What makes the 24hr sunlight impossible for the flat-earth model, is that it requires the North Pole to be able to have dark while the whole outer edge of the flat-earth disk (Antarctica) is receiving varying degrees of sunlight.

  3. Keith J.

    The fact that sundials work between the solstices is irrefutable proof that Earth cannot be a sphere/globe. Sundials work anywhere between the solstices due to the fact that the Sun moves thru the sky in a curved arc. IF Earth was a sphere/globe the sun between the solstices would move across the sky in a perfectly straight line east to west.

    Nowhere between the solstices do we see the Sun move across the sky in a straight line! The online apps that show the sun’s arc will show you that if you are at the Equator at certain times of the year the sun’s path across the sky is a straight line east to west – this is a complete FRAUD and every person who lives there will refute it. Now you have the proof that Earth is not a globe/sphere and, has never and, will never be refuted.

    • Flat Earth Facts

      It’s amazing how globe earthers do not understand the flat earth ideas and flat earthers do not understand the globe idea.

      The globe idea explains how we see the sun moving in an arc. It is because the earth is spinning on a tilted axis. If you make a model, according to the globe earth idea, of sun, and earth you will see how the sun moves and how it matches your experience.

  4. Franck

    “…nor do they allow independent explorers to travel to Antarctica during the winter solstice…”

    This is a lie. I did a simple google search and found this:

    Why should I trust you to teach me about astronomy and the shape of the earth when you are not able to do a proper investigation on how to book a trip to Antarctica?

    Anyways I would be very interested to see a follow-up to this article backed with solid evidence after a trip to Antarctica. Please book a trip to Antartica during the southern summer (~December/January) and show us an equal distribution of day and night within 24h.


    • Crazy T

      You can travel there, but it’s controlled travel. They only let you into certain areas; the far-reaching stuff is mostly off limits. They’d be even more strict if they knew you were coming to do flat earth observations.

      • Flat Earth Facts

        Actually I have tried to go there. The rules are you can go on an organized tour by taking a boat from the bottom of South America, Ushuaia, it takes about a week to get to the tip of Antarctica on the boat and you are allowed to get off the boat and look at the penguins, but you are not allowed to stay in Antarctica overnight…

        So you pay $15,000 at least, spend a week going there on the boat, get off, spend a few hours and look at the penguins, and get back on the boat and send another week getting back to South America…

        So yes, you can visit Antarctica, but you can only stay there a few hours, because not allowed to spend the night there…

        So I did not go

  5. Holly Dutton

    In order for the earth to be round like a ball, the midnight sun must occur at the south pole as well as at the north pole. That is exactly what happens, at opposite times of the year. The north pole midnight sun occurs on June 21. Six months later, the south pole midnight sun occurs on December 21. If only one polar midnight sun occurred, the earth would not be round. However, each pole does experience the midnight sun at opposite times of the year. This can happen only on a round earth.

    • Crazy T

      Prove it. Just because you say it doesn’t make it true. The whole point of the article was that nobody has proved it yet.

      • Mark

        What can be proven and slready done by scientists from peru and brazil in documentary about 2 years ago, there is no curve across any body of water. The fact lasers and survey equipment measurements between bottom and top off 2 tall buildings are equivalent over 3050km is proof we are not on a globe. Im with you 100%. The cameras you can download in Antarctica are missing a shadow from the flags for 6 to 8 hrs proves the live video cam has been rigged and relays itself back to starting point in December, January…watch closely. Pseudo science

      • Sean McHugh

        You can look up the hours of daylight for any populated area on the earth. You can confirm with people who live there or you can go there yourself. At 30 degrees north latitude, the summer days are longer than at the equator. At 45 degrees, the days are longer still. Ditto at 55 degrees and so on. Same in the south , at 30 degrees south, the summer days are longer than at the equator and at 45 degrees, the days are longer and at 55 degrees (see Cape Horn), even longer. Now here is the thing. The summer daylight hours will be the same in both hemispheres (‘hemiflats’ for some) for those latitudes. For a particular mid-season and N/S latitude, the daylight hours for the northern and southern hemispheres behave the same way and are CALCULATED the same way. That reliable correlation must happen with the globe model and does; it gets proved every day. With a flat earth, the real-world latitudinal/daylight relationship, that we experience every day, is totally impossible.

        If one goes further north than the mentioned latitudes, the daylight hours continue to get longer still (up to 24 hours). In the south, it’s the same. The southern latitudes don’t suddenly abandon the latitudinal day/night relationship, after- 55 degrees, just to accommodate flat-earth syndrome.

  6. James S

    Just starting to reconsider theories. The one person says the flat earth cannot exist because of sun dissapearing on the horizon for 4 hours. My question what if the earth is flat, and not round and the orbit of the sun is not a circle?

    • Flat Earth Facts

      No you misunderstand. If you look at the “Flat Earth Map” the flat earthers have the sun circling around a central point [north pole] and moving in and out between Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn.

      So the sun can never be any further south than Tropic of Cancer. So that means if you are way south, like at the bottom of South America, according to the flat earth, the sun must always be in the North. Sun can never go in the South on flat earth model if you are South of Tropic of Capricorn.

      So this video is showing the Sun in the south from the Southernmost tip of South America. This is impossible according to the flat earth map and therefore proves that the flat earth map is wrong. And what we observe here, it is consistent with what is predicted by the globe earth model.

      • khashra

        The tropics work the same way in relation to the sun on a flat or globe earth. On either model, the most extreme southern and northern points where the sun may be seen directly overhead on the summer solstice are the tropics.

        • Flat Earth Facts

          Nothing works on the flat earth as it is presented by the flat earthers. For example in December the whole of Antartica is experiencing day 24 hours a day. That is not possible on the flat earth map. It is impossible to have the whole of Antartica illuminated by the sun at the same time on the flat earth map. Similarly, almost anything else you test, it does not work on the flat earth map. But it all works on the globe.

          • Mark

            Your still getting 7hrs of night in Southern most sandwich islands at 61 degree parrallel. At 61 degrees 3hrs sunset max should be observed like at same lattitude in Norway. Also check out distance of Iceland to northpole it says 5000km yet Reykjavik is 3300approx makrs no sense. Also Iceland just over 7000km to equator as is South Georgia island again something doesnt add up….Google needs to explain

          • Flat Earth Facts

            That is latitude of 59.42, not 61, at least according to the website I checked, compared to about 56 for the tip of South America where I took that video ( So if you watch the video, which is at about the same latitude south as Norway’s 62 north, and there is less than 3 hours of night on December 24 which is the same, more-or-less, as the night in Norway on June 30.

            So it is all consistent with the earth being a globe with symetrical day / night at the north / south poles. And there is no possible explanation for this on a flat earth. At least not yet.

  7. Julius

    You don’t have to go to Ushuaia to prove anything. Just compare the sun tables of Edmonton, Alberta, which is at roughly 53ºN latitude to its opposite parallel, Ushuaia at 54ºS. They are almost identical which would be impossible with the flat earth model. Then there’s the flat earth model with the diverging lines of longitude south of the equator. Navigation south of the equator would be very problematic using the accepted globe earth lines of longitude by mariners and aviators, which converge to a South Pole on their charts if the earth were indeed flat and with that alternate reality of the lines of longitude which would diverge to “the ice wall.”

    • Flat Earth Facts

      Yes. But what you are saying is the map presented by the flat earth people is not correct. And I think, these days, no one actually believes the flat earth map. It is obviously impossible and your point is very valid, and there are many other points also, that totally invalidate the flat earth map.

      So we can say certainly that the map generally presented by most flat earthers is obviously totally incorrect, impossible, and completely at odds with our actual observations and experiences.

      But you can not say the earth is not flat because the map presented by the flat earthers is wrong. You can only say the map presented by the flat earthers is wrong. There may be another map, a correct map, that accepts the presumption of the earth being flat, and works, and is consistent with our observations and experiences.

      This shows the superiority of the globe earth model, the globe earthers have a reasonable map that is consistent with our experiences and observations. So unless flat earthers can present a reasonable working map that is consistent with our observations and experiences, they don’t have any way of explaining how the earth could be flat…

      So, you know, for the thoughtful scientific types, there is no logical explanation as to how the earth could be flat. It does not prove the earth is not flat, it just proves we don’t have a good model or story to tell, that makes a flat earth a logical reality.

      But we may just be ignorant of how it works.

      So you have proved the flat earth map is wrong. But you have not actually proved the earth is not flat…

  8. Ernie Vanderburg

    Read the book of Genesis, then the book of Enoch with an open mind. The book of Enoch was removed from the Bible in the 16 th century by a Catholic pope . It didn’t fit his idea of a planetary system.

  9. Rossco

    Midnight sun or not, why are the seasons reversed between the “North Pole” and “South Pole”? If both are on the same ball spinning closer and further away from a fixed heat source aka the Sun, wouldn’t both poles get their hottest and coldest times of year at the same time of year (even if the “globe” was on a tilt)? A campfire and a “tilted” spherical walk around a campfire could be an observational proof. (And next time you do your Timelapse include gps co-ordinates…and I still won’t trust them. Would have to see it for myself (kind of like proving space is real. If you haven’t been there? You’re just taking other people’s word for it.)

    • Flat Earth Facts

      This is the problem with flat earthers. They don’t understand how the globe earth model works.

      The temperature is due to the Sun. During summer the sun is directly overhead. During winter the sun is low down in the sky and the lengths of the day and night are long.

      So the sun is in the sky for a lot less time in the winter than in the summer. Meaning it will not heat up as much. And nights, with no sun, are much longer, meaning they will get a lot colder.

      And even during the short days in winter because sun is not directly above, the sunlight has to go through a lot more of earth’s atmosphere because it is coming in at an angle, rather than from directly above. So as well as the sun being in the sky for much less time, it is also much less strong in winter as it has to go through much more atmosphere…

      So globe earth model explains perfectly what we experience, summer and winter seasons.

      However… Flat earth model can not explain this at all…

      • ON THE LEVEL

        Hi FEF,

        “So globe earth model explains perfectly what we experience, summer and winter seasons.”

        Yes, the conventional Gleason’s map type flat earth model does explain the seasons but is incompatible with the globe model’s claim that like the Arctic circle region the supposed Antarctic polar region experiences something like 24 hour sun for about half a year. It beggars the imagination to explain how the sun could beam down on the Antarctic polar region uninterrupted for half a year and leave 90% of the Earth’s fresh water in the form of a gigantic glacier over 13,000 feet high over an entire continent supposedly the size of North America! After all, nothing like that occurs in the Northern Arctic circle! Ice sheets shrink and re-grow there but they don’t cover the entire land masses in the region and that includes Iceland and Greenland. Yet the entire supposed continent of Antarctica is supposedly covered in ice. The strange part is the globe model has no explanation for this staggeringly different observation between the Northern and Southern polar regions. The Flat Earth model does.

        Your video does not explain any of that, appears altered, and provides no explanation for how the sun still sets to the North-west even as seen in Northern Winter. This seems to me remains a short-coming to your claims.


        • Flat Earth Facts

          Hi OTL

          My video is not altered. Only the exposure on the camera was not automatic. So when I changed the exposure it changes from dark to bright. But it is a continuous recording showing the sun circling in all directions and setting in the south and then rising again in the south a couple of hours later. It is one continuous video, I was only there for two days, so I only had one day / night when I could have possibly filmed down there. So it is continuous video all shot at the same time with no breaks. Only the exposure is changed. There is no alteration. If it was any other way, you know I would not cover it up. What do you think? I went all the way down there to fake a video? I have no interest one way or the other actually. I would just like to know what the actual situation is. And actual situation is there is 24 day / night down in the south, just like it us up in the north…

          Of course this is taken at the bottom tip of South America, as far South as you can go without paying $10000 or more to go on a cruise to Antarctica, where you can just step on it and takes some photos of the penguins and come back. Can’t stay overnight, just penguin photos and go home…

          But anyhow for anyone who is slightly thoughtful this video shows how the observation of the sun changes as you head south. And sun is doing exactly the same thing as you head south as it does when you head north.

          So as far as I can tell the sun in the south does exactly the same thing as the sun in the north.

          There are large climatic differences as you point out. South Pole is much much colder than North Pole, and there is no land to speak of down there. So probably the lack of land in the South would affect the climate also. So yes, in the North, there is land, so people can live there, but in the South, no land to speak of, just ocean and ice..

          But as far as the sun is concerned it is doing exactly the same thing in the south as it does in the north. There is 24 hour sun in Antartica. And if you want to see exactly how it works the Australian Antarctic people have got plenty of webcams down there.

          They are giving a few frames every hour but still you can see the situation, if it is day or night. They have webcams in about 4 locations down there.

          So you can check the webcams and satisfy yourself that the sun is doing the same thing in Antartica that it does in the Artic. Only it is opposite. It is dark in the South when it is light in the North.

          So it is compatible with the predictions of the globe earth model for sure.

          • ON THE LEVEL

            Hi FEF,

            You mentioned:
            “Of course this is taken at the bottom tip of South America, as far South as you can go without paying $10000 or more to go on a cruise to Antarctica, where you can just step on it and takes some photos of the penguins and come back. Can’t stay overnight, just penguin photos and go home…”

            Yes, please don’t spend $10K for a pointless sightseer trip on my account. You further pointed out:

            “But as far as the sun is concerned it is doing exactly the same thing in the south as it does in the north. There is 24 hour sun in Antartica. And if you want to see exactly how it works the Australian Antarctic people have got plenty of webcams down there.”


            “They are giving a few frames every hour but still you can see the situation, if it is day or night. They have webcams in about 4 locations down there.”

            Thanks for the website link, but the only webcam footage accessible from the website when I linked to it was for May 23, 2023! So no summertime Antarctic video. Very curious! Like all the supposed satellite footage, but little if any of the Earth surface the supposedAntarctic time-lapse appears to have time-lapsed web-cam footage but apparently only for the Southern Fall. This footage includes a small amount of sunlight and little else but night-time footage. Where’s the 24 hour revolving sun footage one should expect from such a location for the Southern extremities?

            Thanks again. Cheers!

          • Flat Earth Facts

            Hi OTL

            Yes… I must admit the Australian Antarctic Expedition webcams are a bit disappointing. I looked at them some years ago and then they were updating daily and you could look at the previous day’s time-lapse. But looks like they have stopped doing it… They have a FAQ, saying can’t give real-time webcams because no bandwidth on the internet down there. They can give us live television from the moon in 1966, but not a frame every minute of a webcam image from the South Pole… Not possible, no bandwidth available…

            They do have an article, not video, saying:

            At Casey, Davis and Mawson research stations the sun doesn’t set between December and January, with Davis having the longest stretch of all-day sun (54 days) between 25 November and 18 January.

            Davis Station Leader Simon Goninon said long days of consistently beautiful weather had made life and work on station a real pleasure.

            “We’ve been able to enjoy clear skies and the changing light and reflections on the sea ice and passing icebergs for 24 hours a day, seven days a week,” he said.

            “The summer solstice certainly provides an extended Director’s cut of this amazing, constantly changing light show.”

            I can assure you, from my personal experience, that there must be 24 hours of sunlight in Antarctica at least around December 25, which is when I was there. I did not actually see it because I was not quite there. But I could see how my view of the path of the sun had quite dramatically changed from Australia to bottom of South America. You know that video is real.


            The sun was going around 360 degrees, both rising and setting in the south, and only disappearing under the water for a few hours and rising again.

            So I can understand if I was to go further south that short time when the sun was below the horizon in the south would be reduced. And I have no trouble imagining that, at the south pole sun would be above the horizon for the whole 24 hours.

            Their stations are right on the edge of Antarctica closest to Australia:


            And they are claiming up to 54 days where the sun does not set, and probably a similar number of days where the sun does not rise, that is a bit less than 4 months, so for the other 8 months they would be having day and night. They are not in the center of Antartica, just on the edge, so presumably if you went further in you could get more days where the sun does not set and does not rise. So it does appear to be a similar situation to what is going on in the North…

            So it is probably true. Scientists really don’t have any reason to lie about if it is day or night…

          • ON THE LEVEL

            Hi FEF,

            Another point to consider. You stated:
            “There are large climatic differences as you point out. South Pole is much much colder than North Pole, and there is no land to speak of down there. So probably the lack of land in the South would affect the climate also. So yes, in the North, there is land, so people can live there, but in the South, no land to speak of, just ocean and ice..”

            Shouldn’t make much difference if the Earth surface insolation per square meter matched at either polar region. The temperature difference between the two locations indicates otherwise. Further, this supports the notion that the solar cycles in either location appear to differ!

            Thanks again. Cheers!

        • Mark

          What i also find interesting is when you see the moon in daylight and the sun coming in say northern hemisphere, you can call a friend in southern hemisphere opposite side and they see the moon at night…this can only be possible on a flat earth…but begs the question why we dont see sun both sides…..very interesting but id never trust a freemason scientists for the answer. Theres lots we still dont know.

          • Flat Earth Facts

            This is only possible on a globe earth I think you meant to say? It is perfectly explained on a globe earth obviously as if you are seeing the moon and they are seeing the moon on the other side of the earth at the same time it means the same part of the sky is visible to both of you. There are stars, so they are placed around the earth in a sphere. And the stars are all staying in the same places related to each other. So you can tell what part of the sky you are looking at by the stars. So it just means the same part of the sky is visible to you both at the same time.


    Hi FEF,

    Thanks for an informative reply. You stated:

    “So it is probably true. Scientists really don’t have any reason to lie about if it is day or night…”

    That statement might apply to any place on Earth except the southern extremity or so called Antarctica. Why? Well it’s the only place on Earth I’m aware of where signatories agreed not to let their own citizens access Antarctica’s resources at least supposedly until 2048 when modifications might be allowed!!! Strange don’t you think that 1958 treaty to close the place off?! Why? It’s almost as if they’re trying to hide something. Few can access the place and those that do seem to act strangely if not sometimes dishonestly. The few supposed 24 hour sun videos, like say at McMurdo Station appear to be fakes!!! A Reddit user below noticed the exact thing I did regarding the following video:

    “Why would they fake the 24 hour Antarctic sun?

    If you watch this video of the purported 2hr sun in Antarctica, you can clearly see that video is edited and doctored to create the illusion of a full day of sun.


    Split your screen and load the video on both screens. Pause the 1st one at 0:23, then switch to the other screen and pause the 2nd video at 1:24 – You can clearly see that the two stills show the exact same cloud pattern. To me, it’s pretty clear that this video has been cut and looped, right? Please let me know if there is another explanation.

    So again, why? I mean, it would have literally been much less work to just film the actual sun path (if it does indeed circle for 24 hrs.) – why go to the trouble to fake it? Kind of makes you wonder…..

    And yes, I know there are other videos that seem to show the 24 hr. loop, but I also know that some of those can clearly be debunked like this one was due to silly editing errors (I will post them in the future.)

    Btw, fun youtube fact for those who don’t know (I just recently learned this – yes, I’m old..), if you pause the video you can move the image forward in 1 second intervals by hitting the “period” key while hitting the “comma” key moves it back 1 second; hitting the “l” key moves you 10 seconds forward, the “k” key pauses the video, and the “j” key moves it 10 seconds back. Great tools to use when analyzing video.”
    Go to Globeskeptic

    by ramagam

    9 mo. ago
    from Reddit

    Thanks. Cheers!

    • Flat Earth Facts

      Hi OTL

      There may be fake 24 hour Antartic sun videos out there. I do not know. But I know from my own personal experience that there is 24 hour sun in the Antarctic as I already explained. At least around 25 December. It requires a little bit of projection by seeing the angle of the sun’s path in the sky changing dramatically as you go south. It goes from the sun rising in east, going straight up in the sky, overhead at noon, and setting in the west at the equator to 24 hour sun, just circling around the edges of the sky in Antarctica in December-Jan. That is what we are told. So in my video, which is 100% real, uncut, continuous time lapse, you can see sun coming around and setting in the south and again rising in the south a few hours later.

      So you have to understand that the view of the sun’s path has dramatically changed from up and over our heads and down at the equator, to almost flat, going round and round in the sky, at the bottom of South America.

      This is what would happen if we happened to be on a spinning globe…

      And it does not take much intelligence to see how our view of the path of the sun in the sky is changing from perpendicular to almost horizontal in respect to the viewer.

      At the equator sun’s path is perpendicular and at the south pole it is horizontal. It is as if you had moved 90 degrees around a globe and were looking at the path of the sun from a different perspective…

      So there is most certainly midnight sun at the Antarctic, and this most certainly proves the currently accepted flat earth map is incorrect.

      The reason there are not so many Antarctic 24 hour videos is there is no one down there to film them. No one lives there. So who will make the videos? And you can’t even visit, except for a few hours, so not long enough to film the sun for 24 hours. Only there are about a dozen scientific posts manned by a few scientists, like Australia has got 3, US has some, etc. But otherwise there is no one down there to film the sun….

      Anyhow it is real, I can vouch for it, and you know that.

      And as far as the climate, without land it is going to be much colder. Because the ice and the ocean water is much more reflective than the darker forests, land, etc. So water and ice are going to reflect most of the sun’s heat and light away in the south but the land and forests will absorb and hold a lot of the heat in the North.

      So as far as I can tell from my actual investigations the situation in the South is colder for sure, but otherwise similar to the situation in the North.

      And there is certainly midnight sun in the Antarctic summer. There are flights from Australia to South America that take 12 hours or so, consistent with the globe and impossible on the flat earth map. Satellites do exist. Some may be balloons, but balloons are not possible at the height at which most satellites operate.. And even if they are balloons, they are satellites and they are up there in the sky working and we use them every day for GPS, we get the weather maps from them, etc, etc.

      So this idea of flat earth people denying provable reality, it just proves they are not really very intelligent people. How can people not believe things that are clearly provable and real? Midnight sun in the Antarctic is provable and real — I went down there and proved it for myself at least, satellites are provable and real, the direct flights between Australia and South America are real, I have personally flown on them twice.

      So flat earthers will never get anywhere if they continue to defy easily provable realities.

      I do not discount the possibility of the earth being flat. But you can not expect anyone to “buy it” if your flat earth model requires people to claim that provable realities are false. You have to present a flat earth model that is consistent with our observable reality. Not like the current flat earthers who deny the observable reality because the reality does not fit with their model.

      That is not logical…

      • ON THE LEVEL

        Hi FEF,

        You claim:

        “So in my video, which is 100% real, uncut, continuous time lapse, you can see sun coming around and setting in the south and again rising in the south a few hours later.
        So you have to understand that the view of the sun’s path has dramatically changed from up and over our heads and down at the equator, to almost flat, going round and round in the sky, at the bottom of South America.
        This is what would happen if we happened to be on a spinning globe…”

        To confirm my thoughts I watched your video again. It seems, your narrative could stand improvement. There appears a cut or discontinuity 41 seconds into the video. Further, the video solar coverage begins with the sun apparently due north of your position & therefore at maximum perceived distance! As the sun descends to the West that perceived distance must fall due to perspective & will be perceived to move south, but in fact simply converges with the horizon due West of your position. The perceived solar distance north of your position falls in significance at the horizon. Please watch your own video again, you should see what I refer to.
        1 minute 27-30 seconds into the video you claim to still see the sun! In fact, the sun set about 1 minute 12-14 seconds into the video, where another discontinuity appears! What you claim to still see 1 minute 27 seconds into the video is merely daylight not sunlight. Please re-check your own video!
        Despite your narration daylight does not reappear in your video again until about 1 minute 57 seconds into the video, where another discontinuity occurs. Sunlight doesn’t appear again until ~2 minutes 5-7 seconds into the video! The sun disappears for almost a full minute of video. Please re-examine your video and let me know what you think.

        You continue:

        “And it does not take much intelligence to see how our view of the path of the sun in the sky is changing from perpendicular to almost horizontal in respect to the viewer.”

        Yes, we’re all quite aware how the ball model works. However, imo the solar motion displayed in the video does not contradict anything one might expect from the standard flat earth model. You continue:

        “And there is certainly midnight sun in the Antarctic summer. ”

        Let’s say you’re correct, do you have un-edited evidence?

        “There are flights from Australia to South America that take 12 hours or so, consistent with the globe and impossible on the flat earth map.”

        Not all flat earth maps. Will agree Gleason’s map seems to have problems with this.

        “Satellites do exist. Some may be balloons, but balloons are not possible at the height at which most satellites operate.. ”

        You can only mean balloons don’t seem possible at the height satellites are claimed to operates. Where’s the evidence they operate at those altitudes?

        “And even if they are balloons, they are satellites and they are up there in the sky working and we use them every day for GPS, we get the weather maps from them, etc, etc.”

        Yeah, why not! So called GPS can operate from ground locations even, satellites were never needed.

        “Midnight sun in the Antarctic is provable and real — I went down there and proved it for myself at least, satellites are provable and real, the direct flights between Australia and South America are real, I have personally flown on them twice.”

        Do not dispute your flight claims, but it would be great to know the clock time throughout your video.

        “So flat earthers will never get anywhere if they continue to defy easily provable realities.”

        Neither will globists. Which is why the debate continues, until new exploration and observation takes us beyond it.

        Thanks again and Cheers!

        • Flat Earth Facts

          Hi OTL

          There’s no point arguing. All I am saying is that these observations that I made at the bottom of South America prove the currently accepted flat earth map is wrong. And they are consistent with the globe earth models predictions.

          So we have established that the currently accepted flat earth model is wrong. That does not mean the earth is a globe. It just means current flat earth map is wrong. And this is why everyone gets stuck. They are using the wrong map.

          And now I know the correct map.

          Actually it is not that whole earth is surrounded by Antarctica and North Pole is in the center. THAT IS WRONG.

          The real map is that, yes, the earth is surrounded by a ring of ice. BUT. Half of that, 180 degrees is the North “pole” and the other 180 degrees is the South “pole”.

          So they are not poles. The North and South poles are actually the ice ring around the whole thing and all the continents we know are in the center. And in the center there is hidden land, as there is also unknown lands beyond the ice ring.

          In this way you can arrange everything so it is consistent with our observations, unlike the current wrong flat earth map. And the strangeness is actually in the center. If you get a globe and look at it you will find you can turn it around until you see only water. So there is half of the globe that is just ocean. It is not a globe, and there is strangeness happening in that huge ocean area and around the equator.

          It is not at all as we imagine it to be, a blue globe floating in space, and it is not at all like the currently accepted flat earth map. But it is flat. And it is as I described above.

          The Northern Hemisphere is in one half of the circle with the ice around that called the North pole.

          The Southern Hemisphere is the other half of the circle with the ice around that called Antartica.

          And the equator is actually a circle in the middle that we can’t actually cross. And on the other side of the equator, that is hidden from us, there is Mt Meru, the golden [mirror] mountain in the center.

          So when we look in that direction we are looking into a mirror. So we are only seeing reflections and projections in the sky. Nothing we see in the sky is actually really where it appears to be.

          So anyhow this is the real flat earth map. And it works properly also.

          • ON THE LEVEL

            Hi FEF,

            Thanks for the reply. On the map you seem to accept now how does it account for the apparent magnetic center of the Earth? Pure 24 carat gold does not appear to have magnetic properties. Common loadstone and other metals do. Some ancients supposedly claimed to have observed the North pole and that it was comprised of loadstone. Do you think it possible the supposed 4 corners of the Earth have different properties including the North that appears magnetic? If indeed the 4 cardinal points on Earth represent it’s four corners do you consider Mt. Meru aka golden {mirror} mountain to be in the center?


          • Flat Earth Facts

            Hi OTL

            I do not completely comprehend this “New” map. But I am convinced the reality is an ice wall all the way around and half is north and other half is south.

            We don’t know really where compasses point or how they point. But I suspect that the way compasses point and the display we see in the sky are all part of the deception, the simulation, if you like, to make it appear we are on a globe, a blue planet, light years away from any other place with living beings.

            This globe earth idea, it is quite a reasonable conclusion to come to, when you look up in the sky and see other planets, globes, hanging in the sky, you see the moon globe hanging in the sky, and you see the sun globe hanging in the sky, it is not an unreasonable conclusion to suspect that we are also on an earth globe hanging in the sky.

            So I suspect we are supposed to think that. And everything is set up to give us the indication that we are on that globe hanging in the sky.

            So I suspect the way the compasses point and the display we see in the sky is organized to confirm with the globe idea.

            One thing to note is the Vedic scriptures clearly state that it is impossible for us to properly understand the structure and workings of the universe. They give descriptions, to give the idea, but warn that we will not be able to fully comprehend it. So there are many things we know, from the Vedic texts, but we can not put it all together into a comprehensive conceivable theory, at least not right now.

            But there are many things we can state that are certainly facts like:

            The earth is stationary.
            The earth is a part of Bhu-mandala, which is flat plane, not a globe
            There is only one sun in the universe
            Everything we can see in the sky is within this one universe. We can not see out of this universe.
            This universe is within a sphere and the diameter of that sphere is only 4 billion miles
            So there are no light year distances. Everything we can see is within 2 billion miles, because earth is in the center.
            The stars are not other suns, they are like the moon, they reflect the light of the sun

            So there are so many points like this that we can state are absolutely true for sure, according to the Vedic knowledge. But putting it all together and comprehending it in a working model, that is quite challenging. And we may not be able to do it actually.

            Humans have trouble coming grips with the concept that they may be things they can’t understand, they can’t comprehend. And it may just turn out that we are not able to fully comprehend all the intricate workings of the universe.

            But we have certainly got enough information to say that the scientists are seriously wrong on almost everything…

          • Flat Earth Facts

            PS: Yes. Mt Meru is the center. Golden mirror. And there is more land around Mt Meru that we are unaware of. We are in the donut shaped area between that hidden land around Mt Meru and the salt water ocean around the edges.

            So we are not actually in a full circle. We are in a donut, with the center unaccusable and hidden from us, and outside ice, half of it north and half of it south.

            So according to this idea if you took your plane and flew around the coast of Antartica you would eventually end up in the North…

            And according to this the compass readings and our view of the sky is set up to confuse us and hide the middle section from us.

            Circumnavigation of Antartica, should be quite simple and not far, I am just guessing but Antartica seems like it is about 2000 miles across which would mean about 7000 miles to circumnavigate it.

            But the point is the way it is set up is quite confusing and it may not be possible for us to actually comprehend exactly how it works….

    • Flat Earth Facts

      I did not go to Antarctica. I went to Ushuaia in Argentina which is where most of the tours to Antartica leave from. It is not that far away really from the “Antartica” that people are allowed to visit. Less than 1000 miles. And you can still see the sun circling all the way around you, practically in the middle of Summer, which is when I went, around Christmas time.

      You can’t see 24 hour sun there, but you can see about 19 hours of sun and sun setting for a few hours and rising again in the south.

      To go to “Antartica” cheapest cruise was more than 10,000 dollars, and even then you just go to a bit that juts out and you can’t stay on Antartica overnight. All you can do is get off the boat and take photos of the penguins and get back on the boat…

      So there is no point in going on a cruise to “Antartica” you only go to the shore on a bit that juts out to the north, and only stay for a few hours for penguin photos?

      So I was not going to waste $10,000 plus on that…

  11. Isabella Katz

    I’m sorry, but if you are correct then why would you think that it is so markedly cold and that there is such limited life there? Also… if it is true that the earth is a spinning globe, and there is a toroidal field around it, then why do NO compasses point south? And why is the sun hottest over the equator if the globe is truly tilted? Oh! And why is the sky blue if ‘space’ is black? And how can gas (our air) exist beside a vaccuum without a container? If you choose to answer ‘gravity’ I would like you to give me a full scientifically repeatable explanation. And HOW does water curve? I have been to the beach and looked out at the horizontal horizon and not seen any curvature… even using the earth curve calculator which generally is 8″ per mile squared. Why can we see through the moon and why is moonlight cold? Why can I zoom in on both the sun, the moon and the stars? How can I zoom in on the stars with my Nikon P900 camera?


      Hi Isabella Katz,

      You ask:

      “And why is the sun hottest over the equator if the globe is truly tilted?”

      The highest recorded temperature on Earth was not at the equator, but Death Valley, (134.1 °F), recorded on 10 July 1913 at Furnace Creek Ranch, in Death Valley in the United States ( coordinates: 36°14′49″N 116°49′01″W ).

      Agree with you that the Earth’s level & not tilted, but the equator is not the hottest region on Earth. It’s merely the middle latitude the sun passes over in it’s journey north and south throughout the year during the equinoxes.


  12. A foolish person

    Hare Krishna Prabhu,
    Please accept my humble obeisances,
    All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

    Prabhu, I am wondering as Mt Meru is present as a large golden mirror in the center, would we not see 2 sun’s and moon, the actual sun and the one reflected from Mt Meru?
    Also Prabhu, what is beyond the ice sheets of North and South ‘poles’? Does the earth plane end there and space start?

    • Flat Earth Facts

      No. According to Srimad-Bhagavatam sun is in the center and above Mt Meru. So we can’t see the actual sun. It is hidden from us, above Mt Meru and obscured by Mt Meru. There are so many mirrors in the universe. We are living in a house of mirrors. And it can be quite confusing in a house of mirrors. So sun actually, it is primary reflected from the center above Mt Meru onto the huge outer mirror that surrounds the whole universe, it goes very high and keeps all the sunlight within the universe and controls the light of the sun and all the other luminaries, like stars and moon, which are actually only reflecting the light of the sun, within the universe.

      So what we see when we look in the sky is not the actual sun, moon and stars, we are seeing a projection of them or a reflection of them in mirrors. So there are two principal mirrors. That is Mt Meru mirror, which we see when we look in one direction and when we look in the other direction we see the big circular mirror surrounding the whole universe. But we can’t see the actual sun, moon and stars. Actual sun, moon and stars they are all on the outer body of the sisumara chakra, which is variously described as being like a dolphin, a coiled snake, an inverted tree or a chandelier. This sisumara chakra, that is where all the stars, planets, sun and moon are, on the outer body of sisumara chakra, and the whole sisumara chakra is hidden from our view, obscured by Mt Meru.

      So Sisumara chakra is like a planetary projector. Everything is arranged on the outside of it’s body, all stars, planets, sun and moon are there and the whole sisumara chakra is rotating once every 24 hours and going around Manasottara mountain once a year. And planets and moon and sun are wandering around on Sisumara chakra and stars are fixed in their positions on sisumara chakra. You can read all this in Srimad-Bhagavatam, I have no idea why people don’t read it, everything is clearly explained in Srimad-Bhagavatam.

  13. Ernie Vanderburg

    I like to read and explore. This is new to me. I question everything and don’t believe everything I read or hear. I believe in God. So I base everything biblical. One has to be careful there because of different interpretations. So best to go back to original Hebrew and Greek to get full meaning. One thing is for sure, when we die we will know everything.

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